
As I was sitting here, bound and determined to write my first post for my first blog, that is probably six months over due, I realized that I was getting stuck here on the silly little title. I am not sure why titles tend to creep me out. It’s not like I am tattooing it across my forehead, or something equally ridiculous… but titles, or labels mean that whatever it is that follows has to sort of relate back to said topic. It really is an anxiety ridden affair for me. Titles, topic sentences… oi vey! Perhaps here in lies the reason why it has taken me six months to accomplish something that my heart desires? I stare at the About page, and I am dumbfounded.

The fortunate thing is that I talk to myself quite a bit. Like, out loud. And I answer. So, me and myself were realizing this afternoon that I don’t want to have an “About” page. I am complex… or maybe just random? I can’t write ABOUT myself because, I think that this is the purpose of my blog. If you want to know more about me, click away. I’m not too sure how long this phrase will be relevant, but for now I think it still is– “I am an open book.” Always have been. I am passionate about everything in life. If it has my attention, then I am all in. I spread myself too thin. I talk about excessively, in hopes that a few of my words would be plucked out and tucked away in the hearts of those around me.

Twenty-thirteen is my year to shine. It is the year I have given myself to fully bloom, to explore everything that there is about me, and to find balance. It is my year to challenge myself, because life so far, well… it hasn’t been the easiest, but I am just wanting more. I am grateful for those who are willing to stick it out with me. Grateful for those who can find inspiration, or maybe even just a chuckle here and there. Because what I have learned in my life is that laughter is the song of the soul, and it resonates within us.


  1. Uncle Spike · October 23, 2013

    So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Have a great old day…


    • thebroadsymposium · October 23, 2013

      🙂 You are most welcome. I look forward to getting to know you a bit better in the blogosphere. I will be sure to send any praise, or constructive criticism your way… and would encourage you to do the same with me. I am new to the blog world, so I am still trying to hammer out a few tricks of the trade. I think I need to start with editing my blogs layout. We’ll see how that goes.

      • Uncle Spike · October 23, 2013

        It’s a matter of trial and error. Every now and then you just realise something isn’t working, then all of a sudden you spot something that just fits what you are looking for 🙂

  2. Becky · October 24, 2013

    I had a difficult time coming up with a title as well…probably could have done better, but it was becoming all consuming, so I just kind of gave up and went with it!
    I’ve been “clicking” away on your blog, and it’s rather fascinating!
    Keep shining and sharing!
    And…thank you for stopping by my blog and deciding to join me on my journey! It’s a pleasure to have you follow along!
    I hope you find many wonderful blessings as you travel through this crazy thing called life!

    • thebroadsymposium · October 24, 2013

      Absolutely! You’re very welcome. I am glad that you find my writing worth a follow too. I love the journey of life, and getting others perspectives is a vital part of that. Thank you.

  3. I love your ending because indeed it is ever so true. With light and love, Sheri

    • thebroadsymposium · October 27, 2013

      Thank you for stopping by and checking my blog out. I look forward to reading more of yours. Cheers!

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